Have a broken Laptop Hinge? Repair it for only $3500!
By: Computer Outlet
Are you selling or seeking a property to buy? We have buyers and sellers ready to do business
By: Shermaine Cunningham
Do you plan to build or extend your property? Get a cheap plan done now!
By: Douglas Architecture & Building Plans
Really good for cleaning mold and fungi in the home. Great for guesthouses and hotels. 5 star cleaner. One bottle for $1,000. $6,500 for the box of 6. ( Negotiable for more) Fomulated to disinfect hard non-porous, inanimate environmental surfaces.
Deodorizes areas which generally are hard to keep fresh smelling, such as garbage storage areas, empty garbage bins and cans, basements, restrooms and other areas which are prone to odors caused by microorganisms.